Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Get ready to ROCK!

Here's a little prop I recently built for the Alamo Drafthouse here in the ATX. It's a replica of the missile used in the movie "The Rock." It will be used during their super-cool TOUGH GUY CINEMA. In this photo you can (kinda) see the built-in access panel where audience members will have to DEFUSE this warhead by eating all the VX gas inside ... or green Jello-o. Either of which may make the skin melt off your face.


Anonymous said...

I saw that show last night. IT WAS AWESOME!

James Grandfield said...

Hey there. I'm looking to build a 1:1 scale of that rocket for the model rocket club I'm in. Looking for dimensions etc. Any help would be great?

James Grandfield said...

Hey there. I'm looking to build a 1:1 scale of that rocket for the model rocket club I'm in. Looking for dimensions etc. Any help would be great?